In-Office and On-site Physiotherapy Services in Toronto

We come to you. Physiotherapy in your office for you and your colleuges.

We come to you.

We get it. You’re busy and no one is making any more time. 

That’s why we come to your office and set-up shop to provide In-Office and On-Site Physiotherapy services. 

We bring our mobile clinic with everything we need to get the job done. Most importantly, all of our Physiotherapists specialise in the desk related injuries and challenges of the modern day desk jockey.

You provide the space, we provide everything else.

We often set a regular date to service you and your team on site. Sometimes that is weekly, biweekly or, even monthly – whatever we need to do, to ensure we get you and your co-workers to achieve your goals.

Email Access

All patients deserve better access to their care, and that starts with having direct email access to their clinician.

Exercise Tutorials

Hundreds of video demonstrations and live feedback so you can be sure of your technique. 

Expert Supervison

Working only with your Physiotherapist guarantees you the expert guidance you deserve. Your Physiotherapist is specialized in desk jockeys and workers.

Ergonomic Coaching

We have to treat the whole you, and that means a full ergonomic consultation. We provide this for all our on-site patients, but also provide this service privately.


We never share any medical or personal information with your colleagues so you don’t have to worry!

Constant Review

We regularly review your exercises, your progress and most importantly your goals. 


Working one on one allows for consistency in feedback, progressions, and results. You’ll always be working with the same expert Physiotherapist.

Fun and Games

On-Site Physiotherapy is fun! We look forward to getting to know you, your workplace through our sessions. 

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Desk Jockey Physio

We can't wait to help you achieve your goals. 

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