You’ve all heard the saying “It’s All In The Hips!”, and I’m here to tell you that – it totally is! If your hips are stiff something else is going to have to do the moving for you – and that something is often the lower back, knees, and ankles. If any of these compensate for the hips, then they are potential sites of injury – something NONE of us wants!! The Figure 4 stretch is an amazing way to open up these tissues and inject some mobility back into those hips. This exercise will mobilize your hips to gain the range you need to continue being awesome – and as always: ensure you Move Like You Mean It. Here is exactly how to complete the figure 4 stretch.
Lie on your back with both knees so that your back is flat on the ground. Cross one leg over top of the other – the leg which is not crossed is being mobilized. Using the crossed leg “twist” your supporting leg down towards the ground in both cases. Driving your knee towards
Do this for 2 minutes (minimum) on each leg throughout the day!
Laptops have become the new normal!
Most of us come into contact with a laptop at some point during our day. For some, that's at work, for others it's at home - but for everyone, it can be a big problem leading to aches and pains.
That's why we've created this free resource for you. This is a super easy and efficient guide to setting up your perfect laptop workstation in no time!
Just opt-in here and we will send you your free copy!
Hope it helps!
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5 Step Laptop Set-Up Guide
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