How to Complete the Wall Slide Exercise

How to complete the wall slide.

Written by Mitch Starkman

November 17, 2017

How To Complete the Wall Slide

Serratus Anterior Strengthening

It’s time to learn how to complete the Wall Slide Exercise. The movement of your shoulder blade is CRUCIAL to all activities of life, especially when it comes to overhead movements. With every degree of motion above shoulder level, your scapula needs to move WITH your arm to get good, clean movement – ensuring that it is stable and protecting it from injury. Without such stability and movement, you get into TROUBLE. Try this awesome drill to create and maintain overhead movement and strength of your shoulder. Here is exactly how to complete the wall slide exercise.

Stand facing a wall in a split stance (one foot in front of the other), and bring your elbows up to 90 degrees – pressing them (and your forearms) into the wall. Keeping your core engaged, slowly lift your arms up overhead sliding them along the wall. If you are able to, at the top squeeze your shoulder blades together lifting your hands off the wall a few inches.

Do this for 5-8 reps and repeat 3 times.

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