Knee Articles

The Best Quad Stretch | Quad Grinder

The Best Quad Stretch Most of us have SUPER tight thighs (known as our “quad” muscles) because we stay in static positions like sitting all day. Because of this any movement that needs us to jump, land, skip, or accelerate is compromised and we can’t generate the same...

Best Hip Flexor Stretch | The Lunge Stretch

The Best Hip Flexor Stretch Tight hip flexors seem to be the way of the world these days - but they don't have to be. Sitting for 13+ hours a day has become commonplace and as such, our hip flexors can shorten, and we can start to develop things like back and hip...

Best Hamstring Stretch | Lunge Hamstring Stretch

The Best Hamstring Stretch Tight hamstrings seem to be the way of the world these days - but they don't have to be. Sitting for 13+ hours a day has become commonplace and as such, our hamstrings can shorten, and we can start to develop things like back and hip pain. ...

Ultimate Guide to Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

KNEE PAIN Ultimate Guide to Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Mitchell Starkman, Physiotherapist, The Movement Centre 14 October 2017 Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome is one of the most common knee problems diagnosed by physiotherapists. When I tell someone they have...